Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Because You Said So

I hate to admit it but I think I am very easily influenced.  Not when it comes to matters of faith or values or loyalty or anything of likewise importance, but if you suggest a book or a great mascara or a nice sweater to me, there's a pretty good chance I will try it out.  

Maybe that's actually not so embarrassing to admit?  Perhaps I am just being smart by letting others who have found their favorite items do the research work for me and I sit back and reap the rewards?  Yes we will go with that!  So without further ado, here are a few things I've bought or tried because you said so...

Suzanne recommended the Robert Galbraith mystery series (just learned they were actually written by J.K. Rowling!) and I can listen to them for free on the Libby app while I take my daily lunch walks and I am hooked.  The stories are easy to follow because they move a bit slow and are full of details and character development so if you realize you have not been listening for a minute (as often happens to me) you can quite easily catch up.  There are many books I have listened to with so many characters with unique names or story lines that move back and forth in time that I can't grasp unless I give it my full attention (which is hard to come by these days).

Nicole is always full of good book ideas, as she is a voracious reader, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Woman in the Library based on her recommendation.  This is another mystery book (I'm on a kick) about a murder that takes place in the Boston Public Library. Don't you love it when a book is set in your home state even if it is full of crime and murder?  Anyway this book is teaming with twists and turns and has a story within a story within a story that found me constantly trying to explain it to Phil because it was so interesting.

Grace from long lost Camp Patton days recommends her lucky finds on Instagram, and recently posted about this cardigan that I immediately purchased and loved.  She was right, it does look more expensive than it is.  I bought it in navy blue and it came with gold buttons instead of the ones shown in the photo.

I needed a new pair of running leggings for winter and Janae who is a real runner said she loves these.  That girl knows her stuff because these are the softest and most flattering and just-the-right-amount-of-compression leggings I have ever worn.  I went back and ordered another pair so now I own a pair in French Navy and Arctic Plum.

I was influenced by Cup of Jo's gift posts to purchase this bird puzzle.  Not sure who's going to receive it yet but it seemed like a cute gift that would be easy to give in a swap or to the puzzle lover in your life.

Ashley recommended this Vitamin C with probiotics and Jennifer suggested this Liquid Vitamin D that has helped her health tremendously.  I take both of these everyday, especially in the dark and cold months that are New England.

Any great finds you were influenced into lately?


  1. I am also so easily influenced! I'm really glad I influenced you to try the Galbraith series!

    1. I've never read Harry Potter so I was so surprised to realize I had read a book from JK Rowling!

  2. Nice! I also enjoy reading the Galbraith books! I don't have any great recent finds to share though. :)

  3. Oooh I'm glad you liked that book! It was pretty fun, I thought!

    1. Very clever! Hard to explain though so I ended up telling my husband to just read it :)

  4. just ordered the black running leggings, Anna really needed a pair. Thanks!

    1. Oh great, I think she will love them!

  5. I need to look up that cardigan. My wardrobe could use one. I can't think of anything recent that I've purchased, other than the Falsies mascara that I read about on Nicole's blog. I've had it for awhile and I do love it. I read The Dutch House after learning about how much other people liked it on blogs. Maybe Nicole's?

    1. You don't have any time to shop recently!!


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