Monday, January 22, 2024

The Last First Reconciliation

 Our little caboose made his First Confession last night!  

Brendan took this sacrament very seriously and spent a long time examining his conscience and writing down his sins so that he wouldn't forget any.  Oh how I would have loved to hear what these sweet little children had to say to Father last night, can you even imagine?  While preparing, Brendan told Phil "Your first confession must be your longest confession because you have to tell all of the sins from your WHOLE LIFE!  After that, you just tell the sins since your last confession."  

Sins in hand, which he was happy to throw out in the trash after - exactly what God does.

Phil is the Director of Religious Ed at our parish, so he took Brendan with him early while he went to set up the church for the evening.  When I arrived, Brendan was sitting in a pew with a little friend, and afterwards he told me his friend started telling his sins to Brendan, "But I stopped him right away and said that he only had to tell his sins to Father.  I did hear the first one he said though, but I won't tell."

When it was Brendan's turn to receive the sacrament, he was in the confessional for a very long time (7 years of sin y'all!)  and I asked him how it went and if Father talked a lot or helped him out in any way.  Brendan said "he only had to help me with one statement".  I didn't understand the reference so I asked Phil when he got home later.  He smiled and said that Father had told the children earlier that morning to read through the pamphlet on examining your conscience, and if you could answer yes to a question (ex. Did I disobey my parents?) then in confession, you just had to turn that question into a statement (ex. I disobeyed my parents.)  

Well, these kids are only seven or eight and this was a wee bit hard for some of them to figure out, so they were repeating the questions in confession and Father was trying to help them make statements instead.  I can just picture those kids confessing "Did I fight with my siblings?  Did I go to Mass on Sunday?" and Father facepalming on the other side of the screen, like I don't know, did you?  Haha!  No wonder they took so long!

Praying his penance after.

What's a better way to celebrate a clean soul than ice cream?  

Brendan was able to pick anything he wanted, so he got a hot fudge sundae with coffee ice cream, and the rest of his adoring siblings each got a small cone or cup too.  Confession Confections :)

We love you and are so proud of you Brendan Age-of-Reason Martin!


  1. Ah! Congratulations Brendan! So exciting for him!

  2. Oh how sweet. I just love First Reconciliations!! Congrats Brendan!

  3. Congratulations to Brendan! I love that he got ice cream afterwards. He's so cute holding his list of sins.

    1. And so happy to throw them in the trash after :)

  4. What a sweet boy! I have one making hers in March and her older (by 17 months) sister has been pumping her up telling her how good she'll feel when she can go!

    1. Yes! The older ones were so invested and supportive, isn't it awesome?!

  5. I love how you celebrate this occasion with your family! Such a glorious way to handle this beautiful sacrament!

    1. Thank you, to be honest, getting a treat after Confession still helps me go too :)

  6. This makes me cry happy tears! My little Sebastian will make his first confession this year (our church makes us wait till Lent) and I hope he has a good experience. It's one of my favorite feelings in the world.

    1. Good luck to Sebastian - and I'm sure your passion will rub off on him, he's a lucky kid!

  7. The absolute sweetness! "I heard the first one he said, but I won't tell!" Congratulations, Brendan, and may God bless you!

    1. It's no wonder we need to become like little children to enter the Kingdom of God :)

  8. Felicitations on his sacrament! I hope he's enjoying his squeaky clean soul!
    I am not sad to put First Confessions behind me- my parish doesn't handle it as well as I would like. I still don't know if #8 actually made his or if the priest just gave up. ( They put the lights down low and turn on chants in the background- maybe good for adults but it freaked my kid out. Spooky not reverential in his mind.)

    1. Oh my goodness, that's crazy. My own First Reconciliation, the priest fell asleep! So I think my 2nd one was really my 1st one - ha!

  9. This is so sweet. What a character he is. I heard the first one, but I won't tell. Bah ha ha. 7 years of sins to tell. Yikes. I remember our school had us attend our first confession during the school day and my mom was so bummed not to be part of it. God bless Brendan!


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