Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Wednesday Workout Wrapup: With a Side of Love

Recently, Phil had a coworker mention how wonderful it is that we run together.  This coworker of his trains for races all by himself and wishes his wife would join him.  I also have had many of you mention that it's so great that Phil and I work out together.  It really is!  I like to say that "The couple that works out together, works out together" because it truly does seem to help our relationship.  

We both share common goals, we both keep in shape(ish) to be around for one another, we both endure the misery of a long run together, and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger - together.  I could never imagine starting a training plan without seeing if Phil wanted to join me, or watching him go run 7 miles while I sat at home.  Call it competitive, call it codependent or call it crazy, but we enjoy spending time this way together.  

We used to always have to take turns exercising when we had little ones, and we still need to exercise separately multiple days a week, but now a workout together or walking the dog has become a date and instead of thinking we HAVE to exercise, it's we GET to exercise, how lucky are we?

So thank you my Valentine of 24 years (!) for always keeping up with me when I'm feeling strong, encouraging me when I'm feeling weak, and staying by my side through all of our training plans.  As I tell you after every exercise completed together, "Thank you for working out with me!"

Wednesday, February 7: 

3 mile walk at lunch
2 mile run on treadmill + 45 minute Strength Class (while Xander was at swim practice)

Thursday, February 8: 

3 mile Walk at lunch
4.25 mile run/walk intervals on treadmill after work

Friday, February 9: 

5:30 am Boot Camp Class with two rounds of this 22 workout:

(The instructor took a video during class where we make a debut)

3 mile walk at lunch
1 mile walk with dog in evening

Saturday, February 10: 

6 mile run with Phil
1 mile cooldown walk with dog and little boys:

Sunday, February 11: 

2 mile run on treadmill + 45 minute cardio/weight class at gym

Monday, February 12: 

Took the day off from work after the Superbowl!
4 mile run with Phil
2 mile walk with dog

Tuesday, February 13: 

Snow Day!  No school or work!
45 minute weight video at home, I think we will incorporate her videos regularly.  It was so good!

1.5 mile walk with dog in evening

Have a Happy Valentine's Day and Sacrificial Ash Wednesday!  Maybe a workout with your loved one(s) is a perfect way to honor this day :)


  1. It is neat that you and your husband workout together! I am a pretty avid runner and have been since high school. It is kind of interesting that almost every guy I dated declared that he, too, was a runner when we were first starting to know each other. Gradually, my ¨running¨ guys ended up giving up running after our first run together. My husband and I ran a 5K together when we were dating and my kids were SHOCKED to find out that their dad once ran! He is in good shape and works out but he´s no longer a runner! I think it´s great that you two work out together. (My husband and I walk together when the weather is nice but it´s more of a leisurely, chat time than a real workout.)

    1. Ah yes, Phil was not a runner when we met but loved playing all sorts of sports. Unfortunately as you get older, the opportunities to be on sports teams dwindles, and so running and gym workouts became the norm. He would much rather run after a frisbee than "just run"!! Those walks are so great for a couple to talk, love it :)


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