Friday, February 16, 2024

Week in Review: Long Games, Lots of Yummies, and Lenten Plans

Excuse me while I look back at our calendar and through my photos to remember what happened this week.


It is indeed Friday, yet only my 2nd day of work this week, so pardon my confusion.  

Last Friday, Maggie had an away game and later sent me this photo:

Eamon had a home game, which Phil attended while I took the boys to swim, but sent me zero photos (don't worry he makes up for it with multiple photo texts later in the week!).  I did manage to steal this one off social media:

On Saturday, Phil and I were able to squeeze in a Valentine's Lunch date and let me tell ya - true love is carrying out your wife's extra blue cheese dressing that she really wants to bring home but is too embarrassed to carry out of the restaurant herself:

I would ask restaurant-blue-cheese-dressing to be my Valentine if only it could respond.

On Super Bowl Sundae (just realized I spelled that the ice cream way and I'm gonna leave it) Eamon had a basketball practice, Declan had a basketball game, and Maggie had a volleyball tournament - can you believe the nerve?  Who schedules these things?  

It worked out pretty okay with the timing of house cleaning and food prep and guests coming over, except when I left Maggie's tournament at 6pm because she told me she had to officiate two games in a row.  As soon as I left, they reworked the schedule and she ended up playing in the championship game (they got 2nd place) and we sent a very crabby Eamon to go pick her up after the big game had started and our guests had all arrived.  We all survived somehow but tensions and tempers were high.

Phil was prepping while I was cheering.  Teamwork makes the dream work.

On Monday, the Catholic high school had their Bishop's Day (a day off school granted by the Bishop when he comes to say Mass once each year at their school).  I took the day off as a personal day and I honestly loved having that next day off after the very late game.  The elementary school had a fundraiser at our friend's ice cream shop (the ones who sell us their ice cream) and the principal and our pastor were celebrity scoopers.  Of course, the kids had to go after school to support the yummy cause.

Maggie had her friend, also Maggie, over for the day.  Twice a week, Phil brings home our friends' kids for them so they got ice cream too!

On Tuesday, we had our first snow day of the winter!!  No work and no school and it was Fat Tuesday.  All the stars aligned :) 

Crepes for breakfast:

After playing in the snow for hours and hours, the boys came in and had baths and LOVEly cocoa:

We cleaned and decluttered some neglected areas of our house, as we are working on a Lenten Cleanse (40 areas in 40 days) and thought we could get a head start on this snow day:

Theologians love their books.

I made some french onion soup and dutch oven bread - both so easy!

Maggie took a nap under that supposed to be decorative blanket, but she just can't resist the softness.  This is the same girl who just couldn't resist rubbing (and sometimes biting) her baby brothers' earlobes so I am not surprised.

Brothers gotta sit next to each other at all times.

We gave the kids their Valentine's candy and I celebrated Fat Tuesday perfectly by eating chicken parm in bed in my pjs, under my heated blanket:

And then it was Ash Wednesday:

And that bright-eyed boy woke up the next day with a stomach bug.  Very Lenten of him.  So I happily volunteered to stay home.  Gosh I love being a SAHM.  I can get so much done!  Three loads of laundry, a work out, cleaned and organized, cooked dinner by 4pm, cared for my little sickie and took a 30 minute nap!  Phil is home with him today, and then next week is February Break so no school for them (I have four days of work as Monday is a holiday).  If we can figure out the logistics of it, we will attend Stations of the Cross at our church tonight after swim practice.  Might as well start out Lent strong since I know I am bound to slip up eventually, but hey that's why we are called Practicing Catholics :)  Oh, I am also doing the Lenten Challenge on Hallow, it's really good so far, if you want to join in.

Have a wonderful long weekend if you celebrate Presidents Day where you live!  Stay warm and cozy!


  1. I love the reminder that we are "practicing Catholics" - I needed that today :)

  2. It is crazy they had all that scheduled during the Super Bowl! Declan's Ash is like picture perfect! Sorry he wasn't feeling well, but it sure made for a chill week for you.

    This Bishop's day tradition is amazing... I wish we had that!

    1. It's weird because he only does it for the high schools, not the elementary schools!

  3. Wow! What a week! Sounds like lots of highs despite your poor sick kiddo. I hope everyone else stays healthy.

    1. Thank you, that's always the fear...

  4. But why is restaurant bleu cheese so much better? We got takeout for Fat Tuesday (buffalo fingers, among other things) and they forgot the bleu cheese. I almost cried!

    I worked at a restaurant in high school and the big gallon tubs of bleu cheese they bought were Ken’s brand …. But they do *not* taste the same as Ken’s from the grocery store :(

    1. I would have cried! Ken's honey mustard from restaurants is also SO MUCH BETTER than Ken's from the grocery store. There is a conspiracy!

  5. I have missed checking your blog so much!! It’s always the perfect blend of updates, kids photos and food ❤️❤️ I’m about to go binge a ton of your recent updates to see all the kids!!!

    1. Lisa - miss you guys!!! Are you still blogging?

    2. Sadly no. I was working full time on my business for the past 8 years so I had no more brain cells left for blogging 😆 But I thought about restarting it now that I’m not working any more. We’ll see!

    3. I wholeheartedly would support that decision!

  6. I tried commenting on your last post when I wasn't home, but my phone won't let me do that right now. Guessing it has something to do with my blog being on private. Anyway - I love that you guys workout together. I remember the days of tag-teaming in order to get a workout in. Coach ran with me back to the Airbnb after we parked the van at the tailgate spot. He is so much faster than me, he had to keep circling back. Show off.

    I laughed at the Phil carrying your dressing out of the restaurant. I love Superbowl Sunday, because we don't go anywhere and I can go in my study to write and no one bothers me. I went to the family room for the 2nd half this year. Hooray for you managing to get a short work week last week. I do like sitting from home, because I do get so much done while I'm sitting. Load a crockpot. Laundry. Fold laundry. Vacuum. I'm lucky - the kids I sit for love it when I chase them around with the vacuum. Hope the stomach bug was an isolated case. Have a great week.

    1. Yes working from home would have so many perks - sigh, maybe one day. The stomach bug seems to have only struck one, thank God :)


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