Friday, May 17, 2024

Week in Review: Happy Anniversary and Advice Needed

Happy Friday y'all!  Today is our 22nd Anniversary!

Who lets babies get married?  Look at how young and naive we were.  As much as we were in love back then, it's amazing how deep love can grow over the years, especially when you both are working so hard to provide for and raise a family.  They say marriage isn't easy, but it sure seems easy with you, Phil.  Love you forever.

My $99 David's Bridal dress

When I was looking through our wedding album last night with the littles, I found a copy of our program I had tucked away in there.  I remember writing the story of the white rose, but I do not remember picking the poem below, though it is sweet:

I made chili for lunches for the week for Phil and I, which is a pretty simple/forgiving instant pot recipe but the chopping of all the veggies takes the most work.  So I was tickled pink when I came home and saw that Phil had already done all of the chopping.  That should be the 6th love language - food prep.  We made the chili with 2 lbs. ground chicken, 6 zucchinis, 3 peppers, 2 onions, 4 carrots, 2 big cans of diced tomatoes and lots of spices - delish!  We portion it out into 10 bowls with lids and eat it with a bag of protein chips crushed on top.

True love

Even though I say that we don't really do spring sports as a family rule, this spring has Maggie running track 6 days/week and Xander and Brendan both on the spring swim team three days/week.  It's not terribly draining on the family though, as I can pick up Maggie after practice each day on my way home from work and on two of the swim days I attend workout classes upstairs at same time.  On the third swim day, Phil and I either work out in the gym or sneak out for an hour date at a restaurant across the street.  I think Brendan might have found his sport in swimming.  Just like Alexander, he LOVES it and is improving so fast.  He used to have to hold his nose to jump in (also guilty!) and now he's learning to dive.

He was also very proud to win 2nd place at his school's art show (though the flowers to the right of his hot air balloons look like they were robbed of a prize in my humble opinion):

Eamon went with a group from his high school to hike Mount Monadnock last weekend (apparently it's the second most hiked mountain in the world!)  These big boys of mine just love to hike and be outdoors and that's obviously hereditary on the paternal side.

Eamon on far left

Eamon has spent this week studying for and taking AP exams, which he thinks went well.  It's always nice to get those out of the way and float through the end of the school year in those AP classes.  

Speaking of classes, I finished my first semester of teaching Managerial Accounting online.  It went mostly okay but there were some issues with trying to learn all of the systems and grading and not having the most up to date study guide.  I got an email at 11 am one day saying that grades were due by 8 am and mine were late.  I freaked out and realized that my online gradebook was up to date but I had to go and enter the final grades in a different portal.  Sorry to my students who had to wait a few hours longer than they should have!  Next semester will be a breeze.  This semester was trial by fire.

Now for the advice needed.  Our washing machine is not the best, but it was free (which made it the best at the time) and we want to replace it.  Since the traditional 22nd wedding anniversary gift is a washing machine (I kid, it's actually copper) we would love suggestions of any brands to buy or avoid.    We are looking for a toploader with an agitator.  We obviously do a lot of laundry each week (about 2 loads a day) and need a workhorse.  Any suggestions?  

Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. All of the big families here have Speed Queens. I did a quick search on their site and it does look like you can get those in MA! Do your research and I will pray that you find the perfect washer.

    Happy Anniversary! You two don't age.

    1. There's a store that sells them right near our jobs - perfect!

  2. I love batch meals!
    Congrats on the anniversary! You look GORGEOUS. That dress is stunning. One of the biggest regrets of my life is my wedding dress (I had it altered but it was too big on my wedding day and didn't look right in pictures; shhhh, don't tell, but I edited all my wedding pictures so it didn't look so bad). Anyhoo - all that to say my heart pangs with all the feels when I see a wedding dress I love fitting a bride perfectly and THAT HAPPENED. Seriously. It's just perfect in every way.
    And that white rose prayer? Stunning. I love how God answers prayers in such rich and meaningful ways. I remember many years ago my husband and I were confused about how to proceed with a business venture. I wrote down in a notebook asking God to make it 100% clear to us. Literally the next morning, we had an unmistakably clear sign. I've never forgotten that moment.
    We have an oooolld Whirlpool top loader with an agitator that came with our house. It's amazing but I suspect they "don't make things like they used to" so I can't say for sure that it would still be a great brand? I think our set is at least 20 years old and works like a charm!

    1. Oh man, it's so sad when you don't feel great on your wedding day! I actually didn't love my dress, but your comment makes me love it now :)

  3. I have heard and read and had confirmed from repair people that Speed Queen is far and beyond the best to buy. It is however, expensive!

    1. Since we've had two free washers in our marriage, I think it's time to invest in a Speed Queen!

  4. Happy anniversary! What beautiful wedding pictures - you look glorious!
    Don't worry about having late grades - most schools build a little leeway into the system. There are some older profs at my school who regard those deadlines as guidelines, and have to be chased down the next day. And quite frankly, the registrar and department chair should have been clearer about where grades get recorded. We have a reminder email in late April and then one at the beginning of the final period with the steps clearly explained.
    As for a washer, we have some old whirlpool machine (>10 yrs) with has few bells and whistles. It is extra large capacity, and I can fit in a king sized quilt no problem. It has some minor problems over the years, but they were not hard to fix with the right part, a handy husband, and youtube videos. If you don't have any particular model in mind yet, look for ones that have good reviews and are easy to fix. (Even the best machines start wilting after 14 loads a week! Though I think we're typically at 10 loads now; fewer kids at home! However, the younger crowd keep growing , so the volume of laundry doesn't seem much less.)

    1. I laughed at "who regard those deadlines as guidelines"! I feel like I never saw a deadline at all, but that's probably on me. Ah well, reminders are always helpful :)

  5. Congrats on your anniversary! So your wedding dress is beautiful, elegant, timeless, and it was only 99$? It deserves its own blog post!

  6. We bought our house about 20 years ago, and in the past 18 months we have replaced every single large appliance that came with said house 20 years ago. My opinion on washing machines is this- if you can't get a Speed Queen, get the least technological machine you can find. We (meaning my husband, laundry is his domain) wound up getting floor model Whirlpools for the dryer and washing machine. The largest top loader we could find WITHOUT WiFi. He hates front loading machines. I think our agitator is removable, but we never take it out. With two daughters at home, he still does laundry almost daily.

    1. I'm with your husband - simple and top loading. Our current washer doesn't have an agitator and I feel lke our whites are not bright.

  7. Congrats on your anniversary. Maybe if you look around online you can find a copper-colored washing machine. 😉 We've had a good experience with Electrolux, but ours is a side-load stackable deal with a dryer. Had horrible experience with Maytag.

    1. Good idea with the copper colored machine - haha!

  8. The story of the white rose brought me to tears! Happy Anniversary to you both!!!!!!

    1. Aw thanks Beth, it was a significant part of our love story for sure.

  9. Happy anniversary to you! This year we celebrated 22 years as well - yay for 2002! I love love love children's art shows. They are just delightful.

    1. Twas a good year to get married and start boy families :)

  10. Happy, happy anniversary! What a sweet story and I love that Phil came through! Did he have a sense that that was THE SIGN or was it just random? I'm also looking forward to reading more about your $99 wedding dress. It's gorgeous! And I completely agree with your statement about love growing deep over the years. Even though we don't have nearly as much time to spend just with each other as we did when we were first married, our relationship has matured and solidified so much as we've traversed the ups and downs!

    1. Totally random! I remember getting impatient and telling God that I was going to marry Phil even if he didn't give me one white rose, so I am definitely glad I didn't have to always wonder.

  11. Happy 22 to you both! I was thinking how lovely your dress is and then to see it was a bargain: WOW!
    I have front loaders, so I'm no good with the washer advice for you, but I hope you find a good one. I can't imagine how much laundry you do in a week!


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