Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

 Ahhhh Mother's Day.  It was wonderful.  I realize that I am in a very perfect stage of motherhood right now.  Not only do I still get to celebrate my own wonderful mother, but I have seven pretty independent children with unique personalities who all love to call me Mom.  Doubly blessed.

We went out to breakfast on Saturday morning all together, knowing we couldn't all go on Sunday morning due to Mass times and DRE duties.  We went to a restaurant I have always wanted to go to, and it was delicious.  I had the pesto omelette with tomatoes and mozzarella, so good.  At one point while we were eating, I looked over and Declan (age 10) and Brendan (age 7) were cutting up their own french toast and everyone was behaving like little angels and I just thought "we made it!"  Don't get me wrong, toddlers are my favorite and a cute baby will make my ovaries ache, but honestly, school age through young adult aged kids are really awesome.  Don't let anyone tell you to worry about the teenage years, from my experience, they have been more fun than anything else.

Then we had our annual family photo in front of The Ice Cream Cottage:

Unlike last year, I didn't even step foot inside on Mother's Day.  In fact, everyone was so adamant that I DID NOT DO ANY WORK AT ALL and it was lovely.  The cards and handmade gifts were so sweet as well as the hugs and offers of help.  I am a lucky lady.

My sisters and I chipped in to buy my mom a new kitchen appliance that she needed but was still so surprised to receive!

Phil took me out for an early dinner and then we came home and walked the three littles down to The Cottage for dessert.  The Big Four were all working and at the end of a very busy night of work, they decided to recreate an old family video from ten years ago (Andrew's girlfriend played the role of wee Alexander).  Told ya they were fun!

From 2014:

From 2024:

P.S. When I was crying through the beautiful Mass on Mother's Day morning, I couldn't help but cry some extra tears for my friend and her husband sitting behind me who has not only lost her mom but also hoping to become a mom herself one day.  Mother's Day is not easy for so many people, and I do not take this joy for granted.  I know in the future this day will be bittersweet and I'm so grateful that it's only extra sweet right now.


  1. What a beautiful post! I totally agree with you that teenagers are not to be feared! While I loved my kids as babies, I think having adult kids is so much fun! Love all the gratitude you express!

    1. Thanks Maureen! When we put the time and effort into raising little kids well, they turn out to be wonderful teenagers. I wish that narrative would stop. Do they have their moments? Sure! But don't we all? Yup!

  2. I love both the throwback video and the recreated one!! And holy cow! Eamon has really grown!! Your family picture is fantastic. I am so glad you had a nice Mother's Day!

    1. He has grown, hasn't he?! Now Xander is starting his growth spurt...soon they'll all be taller than me!

  3. Those videos are adorable! Your post fills me with such happiness -- you and your husband have built such a loving and warm family together!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment :)

  4. This is so sweet. Well said - it isn't always an easy day to celebrate. We all thought a lot about Curly's twin friends who lost their mom suddenly last year. The two videos are a hoot. I laughed at the stand in. I'm glad everyone rallied so that you didn't have to work at all. Hope you are having an equally delightful week.

    1. Poor twins...that first Mother's Day must have been so hard :(

  5. What a lovely Mother's Day! Your kids are the best, Colleen!


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