Friday, August 23, 2024

Week in Review: Auf Wiederschauen to Andrew and to Summer 2024

A big piece of my heart is now living in Gaming, Austria for the fall semester!  Andrew flew over on Wednesday night and arrived in Vienna on Thursday morning, met up with other students and got picked up by a bus which took them to the Franciscan University campus in Gaming (pronounced Gah-ming, not Game-ing).  There he will live in a restored 14th century monastery, take classes in English four days a week from American professors, and have long weekends and two ten day trips to travel through Europe and beyond.  I am so excited for him!!

Before he left, my mom made him a Coconut Cream pie because the boy loves his coconut:

Darian and Andrew stopped by The Cottage for an ice cream flight before his flight:

Then we all hugged him and told him to behave and off he went:

He said he took a walk around the town on the first day big deal, just walking around in the Austrian Alps on a beautiful summer day.

Day two had him sending some fun photos of creek jumping and pool diving. Andrew's guardian angel has always worked overtime as he is a bit of a daredevil:

Life goes on back here in America, with school starting next week and The Ice Cream Cottage winding down.  Declan was invited out with friends for a fun day, and they stopped by for a treat:

Phil took the little boys mini golfing one day:

Grandpa took them fishing and out to lunch and I heard lots of stories about hooking worms and catching turtles by accident and having to kill a fish who swallowed the hook.  It was all very exciting and disgusting, a perfect boy day :)

Maggie and Eamon have been at sports tryouts this past week, not too stressful since they are both Captains on their Varsity teams, so they knew they weren't getting cut!

Eamon modeling the new soccer uniform

The coach calls the captains: Mama Cop (Maggie), Bad Cop (Darian), Good Cop

During the summer, my work hours are 8-3 and during the rest of the year I work from 8-4 and this week was back to the 4:00 end time which makes me want to crawl into a fetal position because that last hour feels like three days.  It was so nice to come home on that first "late" day and see/smell that my husband had made Guinness Beef Stew in the crockpot for dinner.  Teamwork makes the dream work.

Our town's community TV crew came by The Cottage last week and shot a little ditty about us, and posted it this week.  Phil said they cut all his answers and put them together, but I think it came out well!  Hey free advertising is the best kind of advertising!  You can watch it here if you are interested.

And that, my dears, is a last week of summer review.  See ya on the school-has-started-flip-side!


  1. Yes! We went back from 9-3 to 8-4 this week too and I about died/cried on Monday. Sounds like a perfect last week of summer.

  2. Phil did great in the video!

  3. Ahhh, I would LOVE to spend a semester in Gaming :) The photos are breathtaking. How do you cope emotionally with them being so far away? I went to college across the country from where I grew up and then spent a semester in Ireland, and have always loved to travel, so I definitely want my kids to have the same experience, but I'm sure it's harder being the parent in question. Then again, the Gaming experience seems like such a safe, scaffolded way for young adults to step outside their comfort zone and learn about a different culture.

    That picture of all the littles hugging Andrew brought instant tears to my eyes!

    The mama cop/good cop/bad cop is so hilarious especially since I would never guess from Darian's photos that she's the tough one of the bunch ;)

    1. It's emotionally so hard as the parent!! But like you, I also got to experience it and want my kids to have the same opportunities so we just let our hearts break a little :) And yes, Darian is VERY talented and expects a lot from herself and the team!

  4. I'm laughing at the perfect boy day. I didn't know Andrew was going to Austria to study. How exciting! Hope he has an amazing time. That stew looks delish. I started babysitting again last week. It's hard to get back into the swing of things, but here we are. Wishing all the Martins a great school year. I'll watch the video later when I have a minute and I'm not having babies dropped off. ;)

    1. Good luck with babysitting and the start of school Shenanigans!!!

  5. How exciting for Andrew!!! He is going to have the best time. And it looks like everyone else had a great last week of summer as well.


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