Thursday, August 29, 2024

Back to School, 2024 Version

 I so want to write "I can't believe summer's over and the kids are already back to school..." but let's be honest, I'm happy about it.  Summer is hard now that we have The Cottage *and I'm not complaining!  it's serving it's purpose for our family* but it does make the summer incredibly busy with everyone working lots and little kids being ignored/sent to camps/dragged to the shop.  Plus the fighting between the littles has reached new levels (see being ignored/sent to camps/dragged to the shop) and a little separation therapy will be good for them at school.

We were able to squeeze in lots of fun activities and beach time as much as possible, so it wasn't all bad.  I think if you asked my kids they might actually say it was a great summer?!?!  Lord knows their teachers will be asking them what they did this summer, and let's hope they just don't write essays and draw pictures of themselves fighting.  I'll keep you posted.

Without further complaints ado, here are the Martins for the 2024-2025 School Year (or as I say in the accounting world, Fiscal Year 25):

The College Kid

Andrew (19) is the lone college student this year since JP graduated last May.  Andrew is a Sophomore at Franciscan University, currently studying at their campus in Gaming, Austria.  He was a Biology major, about to *fingers crossed* switch to a Nursing major after having completed three courses over the summer to get his requirements.  In fact, he was still finishing up one online course while in Austria.

The High Schoolers

Eamon (17) is a High School SENIOR!  This will be a big year for him, as he will apply and decide about college for next year.  He seems to have no idea where he wants to go or what he wants to study, so this should be interesting!  His grades are top notch, SAT scores wonderful, AP scores perfect, Captain of the soccer team, in leadership positions in NHS and Student Council and Campus Ministry - so basically the world is his oyster and he just needs to figure out which direction he would like to take.  For now, school and six days a week soccer and weekends working at The Cottage and a girlfriend are keeping him a little preoccupied.

Maggie (16) is a high school Junior!  She can now drive herself to school and sports so we are all very grateful for that.  Maggie works so hard in everything she does, and lets us know all about it.  I wonder where she gets that from ;)  Like Eamon, she is a great student, involved in lots of activities, Captain of her Volleyball team, and is very excited to go on a mission trip in February.  Maggie moved up to Asst. Manager this year at The Cottage, meaning she now works the window/cash register, and can basically run the shop or the home or whatever is needed of her.  Girls are great.  She is also hoping to fit in some babysitting gigs during the school year, but probably once volleyball season ends as that is a six day a week commitment.

The Elementary School + Middle School Kiddos

Alexander (13) is in 8th grade, or as he told me "his last first day at the school he's been going to for ten years".  He is super excited for this big year ahead, as he and his friends are already talking about the end-of-year fieldtrip that the 8th graders go on in June.  Xander set the goal for himself to do really well in school this year "ya know, like I'm actually going to try now".  I'm glad he wants to take it seriously just in time for high school to start next year.  Better late than never!  Xander starts swim team soon, and has moved up to Category 3, which means longer practices four times a week.

Declan (10) is in 5th grade and even though his belly hurt on the first morning before school, he said he had a great day and the teacher is really nice.  This boy has such a wonderful group of friends in his class who all hung out over the summer a few times and my momma's heart is thankful that our most nervous and shy kid has good people around him.  Declan is a soccer star and starts practices next week.  His summer goals included the big wave beach and going fishing, and he got to check them both off multiple times.

Brendan (barely 8) is in 3rd grade and ready to conquer the world.  He will also be joining swim team soon (Category 1) which means he has three practices each week, at opposite times as Xander.  D'oh. Brendan likes his new teacher, who happens to be an old student of Phil's because it's a small world after all.

The Teacher

Phil is starting his 22nd year of teaching high school Theology (and Department Chair for maybe 16 of those years).  He's also running The Cottage and the Director of Religious Ed at our parish, so you could say September is a very busy month for him!  He is looking forward to Columbus Day weekend when he will finally have 3 days off in a row, as the poor guy worked 6-7 days a week all summer long then jumped right into school and DRE.

As for me?  Well, I'm starting my 4th year as the District Accountant for public schools in a town nearby.  I'm also teaching one class of Managerial Accounting online for Franciscan University, and working (mostly behind the scenes) at The Ice Cream Cottage.  So I guess September is extra busy for both of us, and I need to start planning a getaway in October.  And John-Paul is not in school this year, but studying for the MCATs next month and thinking about going to paramedic school to work as a medic until he gets into medical school.  He's also holding down The Cottage for us until we switch to weekends only.  We could not do it without him this season!

Happy New School Year Everybody!!


  1. Happy back to school Martins!

    1. Thank you! The most wonderful time of the year :)

  2. What a great looking bunch. Love the update. I'm laughing at Xander deciding to try. Ha. These posts always make me wish we lived near you guys. The ice cream alone! Hope everyone has a great year. *I hear you on wanting the two little girls to be in school. It was time. New school for them and guess who is loving the uniforms? ME!

    1. Ahhhh the uniforms are the best part of Catholic schools! I hope they grow and mature and it all goes well for you guys this year!

  3. I can relate with liking them be in school so there is less fighting. Absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder, lol!

  4. Colleen, I loved reading about each of your kids; they're all so special and I know you are a proud mama. I didn't realize that Andrew was still in Austria; so very cool.
    My jaw dropped seeing this new pic of Declan, he is the spitting image of Phil! Surely you noticed? 🤣
    Congrats to both of you for raising such lovely humans....I still don't know how you do it all without pulling out each of your hairs; working, mothering, business owning: You are my hero. XO

    1. I do find Declan rather handsome, so maybe he does take after Phil - heehee!

  5. I'm totally with you on being ready for school to start again! Today is our girls' first day and even with two toddlers at home, it's just so much more peaceful and quiet ;) I would certainly say your kids had an eventful summer and I think it is so wonderful that they all pitch in at the Cottage. They are such good kids!

    1. They did have good summers, see also a loud and chaotic summer, so that peace and quiet you are getting sounds great!

  6. Happy school year!!! Wonderful updates.

    It's all exciting, but junior and senior year are just so special! I remember telling my mom "suddenly everything seems to matter." Big decisions you have to make that are so impactful and you wonder how the heck you're qualified to make any of them ;) (i still wonder this in my mid 30s LOL) I would suspect Eamon lands at FUS !


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