Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Week in Review: Days Late and Dollars Short

 I didn't do a Week in Review last week, so let's play catchup.  A new school year really throws a wrench into things but we are here for it!

We went to the beach with friends, per our usual summer Sunday activities.  Some of us swim and dig and play and some of us are indoor cats:

Then for ice cream, of course:

The science department at our Catholic high school came to The Cottage after the first day of school, and I had happened to take a half personal day from my real job to go scoop that afternoon since all of our workers were back to school, so JP and I served them.  They were very happy to know that JP graduated with a Biology degree, thanks in large part to one of these teachers below:

I posted that photo on our social media, and the English department showed up the next day, as not to be outdone by the scientists.  Please note that the readers are all protecting their eyes:

Eamon's soccer team went to watch a college game:

And also played a scrimmage at the public high school right next to our house, so Declan and I headed over to watch:

Brendan's teacher sent home a photo of these big 3rd graders and I could never have imagined the day when my youngest child would be in 3rd grade.  If you feel like you are drowning in babies and toddlers, have hope!  This day will come!

Andrew sent some photos of a waterfall they hiked to and a beer well nearby, only in Austria!

I took the little boys to the track one day for a running workout, and they ran 2.5 miles!  No photo of Declan though because he was so far in front of me the whole time, what a great runner he is.  Then we walked over to get ice cream.  Calories out, calories in for growing boys and their mom :)

Phil sent me this saying he "thought of me".  Ahh romance ;)

Maggie and Eamon had a Back to School dance, and do teenagers even have awkward phases anymore?  Why do they always look so good?

Phil and I checked out a new winery in town that had a live band and a food truck, and it was a really nice atmosphere!  We want to go back with friends.

Saying the family rosary can look a little irreverent around here, with lots of stretching (Declan on the floor with the chirp wheel) cuddling (Brendan's on the couch with me, head in my lap) and leg draining (Phil's on the floor with his legs up against the wall to help his leg feel better) but it still counts!  Don't let perfection be the enemy of good, right?  We certainly don't :)

I hope everyone had a good start to their school year and is getting into the fall routine!  We've got lots of sports practices and games lined up on our calendar and four more weekends of The Cottage being opened.  We got this! *she types optimistically, trying to trick her brain into believing*.


  1. Happy and Blessed new year to you and your family, Coleen. What a wonderful life you have, and I am always inspired by your ever positive attitude. But I swear you just opened the The Cottage for the summer!!!

    1. Thank you! As we say around here once July 4th comes - "Summer's over!" - because it just flies by!

  2. I'm laughing so hard at the meme Phil sent you. Love that the kids all run and are interested in staying in shape. I agree, what happened to the awkward teenage stage? Did that die out with the 80s because dang, there is photo evidence that it was a THING in my life. It's great that the school departments are showing up together. All of them in shades is hilarious. Good luck finishing out the ice cream season. Wish I lived closer to help you figure out what to do with any excess inventory. ha.

  3. SERIOUSLY with the lack of an awkward stage!!! Today's 14-year-olds look cooler than I ever have in my entire life, including my "coolest" phase in college! (Which was still not that cool.) It just doesn't seem right haha.

    Love all the faculty shots and so funny and on brand that the English department is committed to eye protection. Apparently Cecilia has a hypopigmented retina on one eye and the eye doctor is always harping to have her wear sunglasses constantly when she's outside -- I forget to remind her (she never complains about the sun seeming bright or squints or gets headaches or anything) and then worry that she's going to have eye damage later in life!

    Also love the family rosary photo. We have fallen off that wagon and need to get back on. We do often sing the Salve Regina as part of the older girls' bedtime routine and I have the sweetest video of them singing at ages 3 and 6, with lots of bickering in between phrases ;)

  4. I love that the Teachers came to support your business; how sweet is that? And your kids run with you? You are all my hero. I enjoy seeing you and Phil getting out for some adult/alone time too; this is very important for your sanity and marriage.
    Holy mackerel on the non awkward kids; I'm still in that awkward age. :)


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