Friday, January 26, 2024

Week in Review: Soup for Life, March for Life, Conspiracy Theories for Life

Happy Friday of a week that felt very long, how 'bout for you guys?  We've had dreary weather of rain and snow and people's moods seem to be matching it, myself included.  It may have a lot to do with the four home basketball games this week for the teens:

23 has my heart.

Let's start with some good eats, because food is just such a treat.

I made this Creamy Chicken and Corn Soup for lunches this week that basically tastes like a delicious wine sauce with chicken and veggies in it.  Will definitely make again.

We eat soup for lunch about 200 days a year.

We eat a lot of chicken sausages, and this was some leftover sausages sliced up with leftover peppers and onions (from chicken fajitas earlier in the week) over cauliflower rice.  Simple but delish.

I made Salmon burgers/patties/cakes and ate two helpings of them over a bed of lettuce.  This meal makes me feel like I went back to the 70s for some reason.  Is this what people ate in the 70s? 

Maggie and I got haircuts which is a big deal because we only get them once or twice a year.  At $47 (plus tip) each, you can see why we don't go more often.  We both got about three inches chopped off plus a few long layers.  And I'm grateful for my boys and cheap clippers.

Andrew and some friends went to the March for Life last weekend.  They drove from Franciscan University in OH to Phil's parents house in MD (thanks for letting them crash Nana and Gramps!) and then took the metro into DC.  It was cold and snowy but Andrew said it was really great.  He has such a nice group of friends at college, I am so happy for him.

Andrew is on the right, gloveless and in a fleece!!

That sign ;)

Biden was asked what message he would give to those marching for life and he said "March!"

Meanwhile I was marching for my own life in a game of Trouble with the littles.  Whew, that game takes a long time and really encourages a mean and competitive personality.  I was glad when it was over.  I'm not a good play-games-with-the-kids mom, thank goodness for dad!

This is me to a tee:

Maggie has been getting as many practice hours as Phil can give her in Vanna White.  Apparently she is a good driver unlike her mother at her age (six accidents before graduating college!)

Speaking of college, feels like I'm back in at, listening to lectures and completing homework assignments so I can grade my students.  It makes me so happy that I did my college and grad school in 5 years because I don't think my brain could handle anymore.

Brendan asked to write on the Prayer Board and then I had to send the photo to Gammy, who is recovering very well, if not more slowly than she would like:

Favorite grandchild status achieved.

I heard about this Super Bowl conspiracy theory on the radio, and who doesn't love a good conspiracy theory?  Apparently, the colors of the logos from the last two years ended up being the colors of the teams that played.  So this year's logo is purple and red, which means it should be the Ravens and 49ers.

But I'm rooting for the Lions, so hopefully the theory is wrong. 

Happy weekend everybody - enjoy the playoffs and maybe play a game with your kids that's not Trouble :)


  1. Maggie looks great behind the wheel! And in the big van? That's amazing. I have a boy who just got his permit yesterday- no driving yet as the weather was rain and fog on top of all the snow we had last week. I'll need to find an empty parking lot this weekend and start him off. I do most of the driving hours, at least in the early days. Less stressful for everyone.
    And our basketball season ended due to broken arm. He only had a few games left. But dark January days make it hard to get excited about driving 40 min for another game when all I want to do is go to bed, so I'm a little relieved it ended early. Good luck to your two - may they finish the season strong!
    So glad you're loving your class-U bet you will knock it out of the park!

    1. Phil likes to teach them in the big van so everything else feels easier! I'm so impressed you do the driving hours, we have all decided I am not the best choice for that job. I'm so sorry your son broke his arm! Eamon did that during summer soccer and was out for the beginning of the fall season, it's such a bummer for them, and he still attended all games. But I didn't have to, so I understand the relief you feel on that front :)

  2. Wait....Detroit Lions?? But your husband's from Maryland! I tease my husband for being a Commanders' fan since we're both from Maryland but he refuses to root for the Ravens.

    1. Haha yes, my husband is from MD but roots for the Commanders, not the Ravens. And I'm a Patriots fan! But since neither of those team is in the playoffs, I have to root for the team that finally won a playoff game after 32 years :)

  3. I was really hoping for a Bills Lions Super Bowl myself. But I am fully team Lion/Ravens now. I am over the Chiefs. Not their fans, not Taylor, etc. But... we've seen you win and lose. Now go away.

    That soup looks amazing! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

    1. As a Patriots fan, I hate the Bills haha. I liked the Chiefs until I saw the documentary Quarterback and now I'm a Mahomes and his wife hater - blech. Add Taylor to it all this year and double blech. As for the soup, we are trying to avoid grains but I think it would be so good with rice or even potatoes in it.

  4. I'm over Mahomes and all that goes along with him as well! I'm pulling for the Lions. I would love to see them win! That soup looks delicious. I love that Andrew got to go to DC. Sounds like he has such a great group of friends!

  5. Curly seems to be a good driver. Mini . . . not so much. Santa brought a game called Happy Salmon for Christmas and it is the dumbest game ever made. The girls think it is hilarious. Reg had friends over last week and they played it in the basement and were so loud. They had a blast. Love the fav grandchild's prayer request. Andrew- where is your winter coat? I love that sign too. So cute. Basketball season . . . don't get me started.

    1. We have that game too - so much loud screaming happens when it is played but lots of laughing too!

  6. We have been having some intense Scrabble games around here!

    1. Now that would actually improve their IQ instead of just making them mad at each other!

  7. Hi Colleen, i read your guest post on Elisabeth's blog today! I guess that Super bowl theory is not correct- and I was rooting for the Lions last night, what a bummer. I have to confess that I like Mahomes (why do I feel like I'm in the minority here?) and will be rooting for KC!
    i hope you get some sunny days this week... I grew up in the midwest and I hated the winter dreariness so, so much.

    1. I'm so sad for the Lions - but they made it far!! I LOVED Mahomes until I watch the documentary about him, Quarterback. He and his wife just came off kind of unlikeable. Kirk Cousins on the other hand, quickly became a favorite!!


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