Monday, April 29, 2024

Mother's Day Gift Ideas and a Note from a Mom of Many

Amazon Gift Card - always appreciated!

Fresh Flower Bouquet - or plant a bush or tree outside

Laneige Lip Gloss - my daughter and I love this lip gloss

Kate Spade Wristlet - I have this for special events

Owala Water Bottle - all the rage now, Stanley who?

Rosemary Mint Scalp Oil - my hairdresser told me to use 5 drops of this with my shampoo

Travel Jewelry Box - better than the ziploc situation I currently employ

Veggie Chopper - our old one broke and I miss it!

Essential Oil Diffuser - we have this exact one in our bedroom and it lasts all night long

Nail Polish Set - these are my kind of nail colors, pretty and neutral

Summer Pajamas - these are soft and comfy and come in lots of colors

Just some notes from a lucky mom of seven...

Sometimes a perfect Mother's Day includes a planned family day with a nice meal and an activity for everyone to enjoy.

Sometimes a perfect Mother's Day is sending mom off to have lunch and her nails done with her mom/sister/friend while the kids are taken care of by Dad/Uncle/Grandpa.  

Moms go through seasons with the ages and stages of their kids, and the best way to figure out what she wants is to offer both scenarios and see what would actually make her happy.  Is she in a season where she needs a break from the demands of the children?  Or is she in a season where she relishes moments spent together before they are gone?  Either way, she most likely doesn't want to cook or clean or change a diaper that day.

As for you moms - the best way to have a nice Mother's Day is to lower your expectations :)  I mean that in the best way.  Hug your kids and remember when you wished and hoped and prayed for them.  Let the house get a little messy for one day, use paper plates, order takeout or even better, go out for an ice cream cone!


  1. Love the nail polish and the summer jammies!

    Your last paragraph is something I really needed to read. I put WAY too much pressure on Mother's Day and it never lives up to my expectations and I end up feeling grumpy and resentful. This year, I am going to make brunch for MY mom -- the first time we've celebrated Mother's Day together in decades! -- and make it about her instead of about me, and that feels really good!

    1. Brunch with your mom sounds perfect! I have had many a Mother's Day spent feeling sorry for myself until I learned to just not expect much and everything seemed extra special!

  2. These are all fabulous ideas but mostly I love the suggestion to ask what would be most appreciated in a particular season of life! "Either way, she most likely doesn't want to cook or clean or change a diaper that day" -- amen to that!

    1. Even just those things would make a great day!!

  3. Does Stanley know about this Owlet thing? Ha. Great suggestions. I came across kitchen towels that say 'Best Nana' and it was in the checkout when I swear I will not be tempted even though they put all the temptations there, so I bought it for my mom.

    Your decide what season you are in - great advice. I remember when the kids were really young and I was most likely very hormonal, (it wasn't mother's day - just a regular weekend in summer) I asked Coach to do something with the kids so I kid relax? Clean something? Work on a project I thought I was excited about? Then when they came back inside or when I saw them outside having so much fun without me, I was upset with myself. I was so torn and indecisive about what I wanted and where I should be. It was just hard and I made it that way, but sheesh, there were times when I was conflicted and . . . all that to say . . . I love your message about it is OK to take a break and choose to do something for yourself. But I'm rambling.

    1. I guess Owala doesn't have lead in them but Stanleys do, or at least that's what all the kids are saying as excuses to get yet another trendy water bottle :)

      I understand what you are saying - like take the kids away from me, and do something enjoyable for them, but not too enjoyable that makes me regret asking you to take them away!

  4. I love these gift idea posts. The travel jewelry boxes look like the perfect thing for daughter-in-law gifts. And I think I might try that rosemary mint scalp oil. My poor hair is getting so thin. And biotin doesn’t help, as far as I can tell. Thanks for the suggestions! ❤️

    1. Thin hair is my curse too. I need to cut a few inches off, that always help it appear fuller. Happy early Mother's Day to one of the best Laura!


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