Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Birthday Boy's Weekend O' Fun

When your 13th birthday falls on a summer Friday, well you gotta live it up all weekend, and Alexander Blaise certainly did just that!  He went to the last day of Camp Acutis with his little brothers:

And they had a pizza dinner and award ceremony when camp ended at five.  Phil and I were both able to make it to the 4:15pm daily mass where the kids sang as they had practiced all week.  Let's just say it was beautiful to God's ears, I'm sure!

Xander's award said "Amazing with a thurible" thanks to all those years of altar serving :)

Brendan got "wearing St. Anthony socks to St. Anthony church".  This made Declan mad because that was actually Declan who wore the socks.  Hey, they look alike!

Declan's award said "Your youthful spirit and sincere love for those around you"

We had brought a cake to the dinner, but Xander did NOT want to be recognized or sang to, so it just sat on the dessert table.  Gotta respect the teenager's wishes!

We drove home and Xander wanted to open his presents, which included gift cards, cash, treats, Lord of the Ring books, and...

... a new phone!  We give our kids a Gabb phone when they turn 13 so that they can call and text and take photos but there is no Internet access or app store, which makes it a great and safe phone.

On Saturday morning, we had breakfast together because we have to do it before The Cottage opens and everyone goes to work.  Sadly, JP was not home because he's travelling, but Darian took his place and even wore a Harry Potter shirt just because Xander loves Harry Potter so much.  Xander chose crepes with strawberries and belgium chocolate and whipped cream.  We also made eggs and bacon because protein, people.

My brother texted asking if anyone wanted to go on his boat, and this lucky crew headed out with some cousins and their Aunt and Uncle:

Vitamin Sea.

After a day on the ocean, Xander came home to a delicious (if I do say so myself) pot roast dinner and sheet cake, his choices.

Xander B we can not believe you are already 13 and you have grown up so much recently.  We are very proud of you and your hard work ethic, amazed at your desire to swim or run every day, crack up at your sayings all the livelong day, admire your reverence on the altar, your commitment to reading and listening to audiobooks every night, and your talent on the piano.  We know it's not easy being a fifth child who has the biggest age gap from the sibling above and behind you.  Sometimes you are a young man on your own island, but we all love coming to visit you there.  You bring joy and honesty and fun and craziness to our lives and we love you so much!!


  1. Kinda sounds like the perfect birthday weekend for a new teenager! So glad he enjoyed himself!

  2. What a perfect celebration. The food. The presents. The time with family. The fun.
    And you write the sweetest birthday recaps about your kids. Your love shines through very brightly. Congrats on having another teenager in the house <3

    1. Aww thank you for saying that, I do love them soooo much even when they drive me crazy :)

  3. This looks like the perfect birthday celebration. Family. Camp. Friends. Boats. Food. And a Phone. Happy Birthday to Xander. He sounds like a great kid. *cracking up at the sock mix-up

    1. Now looking back, I think they just switched awards for Declan and Brendan, because Declan's award is much more suited to Brendan's personality!

  4. Awww, happy birthday to Xander! That is quite an amazing birthday weekend. (I had to chuckle about poor Declan missing out on the proper recognition for the St. Anthony socks!)

    I like the Gabb phone on the 13th birthday idea. A very reasonable way to scaffold tech and practice appropriate communication skills without unfettered access to the online world!

    1. Declan was like "But St. Anthony is MY FAVORITE SAINT, you know that!" Sorry dude, I think these poor volunteers don't know who everybody's favorite saint is. Highly recomend the Gabb phone, it is a really nice (cool) phone with so much less worry and addiction.


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