Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Under the Desk: The Secrets That I Keep

I keep alternating between two songs in my head after writing that title.  

The first is Under the Sea - Under the desk, under the desk, darling it's better down where it's wetter - no that doesn't quite work.  

The second is Talking in Your Sleep - I hear the secrets that you keep, when you're talking in your sleep - except that I'm awake but I am indeed about to share the secrets that I keep...under my desk.

I'll start with my newest under the desk addition, a compact mini elliptical  so I that can workout while I work.  Some of my coworkers have standing desks and I know a few people with treadmill desks in their home offices, but I know myself and I need to sit to do my work.  This Cubii elliptical gives me a way to keep active in a practical way.  I think these mini ellipticals would also be great for older people who can't stand often or someone getting over surgery or even a person who struggles with an attention disorder may find this activity centering.  I also like adding a few of these exercises throughout the day to help counterbalance all the sitting I do.

Of course, when I'm not secretly working out, I slip on my comfy slippers (hey I just figured out why they called them that!) and nobody even knows until I forget that I'm wearing them and head to the copier or to get water in a walk of shame.

I've had a mini heater under my desk for the last ten winters or so, as my feet tend to be the coldest part of my body, especially since I'm prone to wearing shoes without socks.  Fashion over function as they say!  This newer heater also has a cooling element so one's feet can be climate controlled all year long.

And finally, I have a foot massager under my desk so I can roll my achy feet in privacy.  I started using this when I had plantar fasciitis and it's a great stress release.  

That's it!  Or maybe you think that's a lot?  What's going on under your desk??


  1. Ha! We have that same foot roller, it even came with us to Disney! And we have a cubii too, I keep it in front of my spot for TV. If I want to watch, I gotta pedal! The kids like to use it too and it makes me feel better about any screen time they get. (Which is minimal anyway.) I need to bring my work slippers into work, I hadn't yet but it snowed yesterday so it's time.

    1. Yes Madeline, you were the one who recommended the foot roller!!

    2. I thought maybe I had! I love your under the desk secrets!

  2. I have finally (almost) recovered from a bout with plantar fascitiis. It reared it's ugly head after the 2020 election and me being on my feet in non-supportive shoes for 12 plus hours a day for two weeks. I owe my recovery to the Oofos shoes that I have been wearing religiously ever since. I used a frozen water bottle to stretch out my feet but that green thing under your desk looks much more effective!

    1. Wow that was a long time to suffer. I wore this band around my foot that alleviated the pain but it did take awhile to go away, so annoying!

  3. I've had plantar fascitiis before and turf toe - both are unpleasant. I have heel pain in one foot at the moment and I'm worried it is going to end in plantar fascitiis. I'm eyeing that foot roll out thing. Why, I wonder, has my PT husband not recommended that to me?

    The only thing under my desk is fur balls and dust bunnies. I love smart wool socks for the winter. Life changing. I'm home during the day. Slippers are acceptable, since I approve them as part of my dress code. I also try to wear my sneakers whenever I think I'm going to be on my feet a lot. I've never heard of a little mini elipitical before. So cute.

    1. I think wearing good sneakers if you're on your feet is very helpful to prevent plantar fascitiis! But when I sit - slippers it is. I've never heard of turf toe - sounds yucky! And if I could go back in time, I would've married a PT ;)

  4. All right, this may be a double comment but when I read your blog on Safari it seems to eat my comments. Trying again.

    I am super impressed by this collection! Putting your feet to work and then pampering them! All I have under my desk is a space heater and a purse I need to put away. But I should definitely get a foot massager!!! That one looks awesome.

  5. Wow. Colleen, you have a busy underdesk situation happening! I remember you talking about your heater, and I get it. Climate control is a priority! Never heard of an under the desk elliptical; you are a multitasking genius.


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