Friday, August 16, 2024

Week in Review: The Martin Bunch, Summer Swims and Food is my Favorite

Happy Friday!  

This was a good week with both the feast day of St. Maximilian Kolbe on Wednesday (read about my connection/love for him here) and the Assumption on Thursday.  As I told my kids the way to remember the difference between the Ascension (when Jesus went to Heaven) and the Assumption (when Mary went to Heaven) is that there's an "M" in Assumption.  CCD class over :)

Last Saturday, Andrew and I took the littles to a YMCA pool near where I work.  Well, this pool is a hidden gem because it seems like nobody else knows it exists and we had the place to ourselves - such fun!

Any activity is more fun when a big kid comes along.

Andrew leaves next week for a semester in Austria and I am so sad already :(

But ice cream makes everything better and my favorite flavor was our special this week at The Cottage:

Mocha Chip

And I threw together this little photo to post about the family behind our family business.  Very Brady Bunch-esque, oui?

If only we had an Alice.

On Sunday we headed to a beach and met up with some friends there.  Phil and I were sitting on the beach and  talking to our friend, when he all of a sudden pulled off his hat and sprinted for the water.  A little baby had toddled over and fallen into the water and was bobbing/thrashing trying to stand back up.  Our friend pulled him from the water and it was all so scary.  The poor mom had turned her back to watch her other child and this is why I never bring little kids to the beach alone.  It only takes a second.  The whole scene played out right in front of the teenage lifeguard who didn't even seem bothered by it at all, didn't check on the kid after and didn't thank our friend.  Some lifeguard.

Declan on Phil's shoulders and Brendan on Xander's shoulders

JP has just under a month left of studying for the MCATs.  His has to teach himself BioChem which is a whole section on the test and a class he never took in college.  He is taking the class this fall but the test will be over by then.  Talk about bad timing.  He has taken two practice MCATs so far and got a 503 on his last one, so hopefully that score can only go up with more studying.  I feel bad for him trying to get some peace and quiet in our loud house!  His very very thoughtful girlfriend sent him some noise cancelling headphones as a graduation gift and he says those help a lot.

Studying in his work clothes at a messy island in a loud house.

I made a Chinese Chicken Salad for dinner, and it was so good and easy.  I bought marinated teriyaki chicken breast and cooked it in the air fryer while I chopped up lettuce and scallions and threw on shredded carrots, sliced almonds, chow mein noodles and a roasted sesame dressing (bottled).  

This is a delicious snack I've been having at work - a cinnamon magic pop with vanilla greek yogurt and nectarines.  Mmm.

Date night this week was at the restaurant next to The Cottage, and it did not disappoint!  Chicken Milanese with an arugula and burrata salad for me and Chicken Parm for Phil:

Declan and Brendan have been at a town camp this week and got to go to Wicked Waves Waterpark on the Cape for their field trip and participate in a Junior police Academy...those lucky duckies.  Maggie has been at a volleyball camp this week and is so sore but loving it.  The kids have all been trying to finish up their summer school work and I think my weekend might be spent helping a certain ten year old with a certain book report.  Hope we get an A!  Haha, have a lovely weekend everybody!


  1. That's a good MCAT score - above average! I hope his hard work pays off and he gets admitted to the school he prefers.
    It looks like you guys are squeezing all the good things in these last weeks of summer. Enjoy!

    1. He took another practice test this weekend and went up again - phew! Now he's thinking about becoming a paramedic in the you know this road to med school is not easy!

  2. I love that Brady Bunch pic and yes! Why is it that Alice doesn't just show up to help out at anyone's house?! I am so excited that Andrew will get to expereince Austria too but I can certainly understand sending a piece of your heart across the ocean isn't easy. So glad that little toddler is okay and your friend was there to help. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, that beach incident sounds so scary. How great that he was tuned in. My SIL who has 9 kids lost track of one on the beach once (I think this is when she had 7 kids?). They couldn't find her. She was clinging to a rock and was fine, but it could've ended so horribly. Thank God she was OK. I clicked on the magic pops and they look like just the thing, except I think they have gluten. Dang. I'm trying the low FODMAP diet right now, to see if I can rid myself of SIBO - even though my doc says I can't. All that to say, I'm hungry. I'm loving your very Brady picture. So clever. Wouldn't life be so much better if we all had an Alice? That Chinese chicken salad is right up my alley. Not sure I can figure out a way to make it GF, but I might just have to try. Good luck to JP on the MCATS. I hope he is pleased with his score.

    1. Wow that is so scary! Your diet restrictions sound so hard and would make me so cranky all the time. I hope you figure out treats that work for you!!

  4. Yum, look at that beautiful burrata salad! And speaking of yum, your mocha chip ice cream looks amazing!

    That story about your friend saving the toddler at the beach is so scary! I find it so extremely stressful to go to the pool/beach/lake even when there are lifeguards because I don't understand how they can possibly keep track of everyone! I am constantly on edge, looking at everyone, trying to watch my particular kid and her friends while also keeping an eye on kids who seemingly have no supervision. (Which is of course just an assumption on my part.) So glad for your friend and, wow, so very glad it turned out okay.

    1. That salad was enough of a meal alone, not that I minded eating the chicken as well :)

  5. you are motivating me to go on more dates with Kirk, tonight sounds good to me!

    1. Once a week whether we like it or not (we like it!)


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